These are some of my favorite ‘professional’ links:
Prof. Avishai Mandelbaum course on service systems: Service Engineering Course – Technion
In addition to the course material, this website includes many articles and data resources on service systems.
The SEE Center – Technion (SEE – Service Enterprise Engineering) has it’s own website, presenting all the people who work on the SEE Lab developing the SEEStat program. Through this website you can gain access to the SEEStat program, which provides a very convenient and interactive platform for analyzing contact-center databases. In particular, a large call-center of a US bank.
Prof. Ward Whitt’s Home Page includes many articles on queueing, stochastic systems, and service engineering.
Here are some nice ‘Service’ episodes most of you probably encountered in one way or another …
I would love to get more if you have.
Larry David – Curb your enthusiasm. On Lines.